Asma Hamza

The third consecutive fall in this vacation house in Moscow wasn’t much different.
High on the hog, the only void Vselovod had in his preferential tiresome life was affection.
Loneliness had always been seated before him, welcoming him as he’d mount his bogey; in each of his life’s rendezvous.

His billionaire father divorced his mother and left with the paramour when he was eleven.
His mother, a definite wife-material, stayed much strong throughout.
However, Vsevolod had witnessed his mother carrying a crimson, museum-desired lantern in the darkest hours of many sleepless nights.
He’d peep through a self-made hole in the door as his mom Nakita, would creep through the vintage furnished hall with the spooky lantern and slowly disappear near the staircase that led to the asphalt rooftop.

As queer as it was, young Vselovod could never sum up the courage to unveil the mystery behind it.
However, this particular memory was imprinted in his cerebrum.
This could have been the primary reason for his return to the vacation house in September.

Perching in his cosy chair with his treasured scarlet mug of hot cocoa, he had his eyes set on the old Niedzwetzki apple tree. Fall had had this old fellow. Leaves in orange hues with a vibrant hint of vermilion longed to kiss the moist dirt that lay silently. The delightful sight of apples made him yearn for a warm, gooey slice of apple pie with cinnamon tossed gently over it. But this yearning was subsided by the overpowering desire to see ‘her’ again.
He was absentmindedly patting Mr Pearl who had snuggled itself well with his red checkered, woollen sleeve and perhaps planned to fondle with a button or two.

 Suddenly it purred a knowing purr and left the spot leaving all the attention of its hooman for the mysterious lady holding the same ole red lantern beside the tree.

 Vselovod could not miss the chance again.

He looked in her deep Hazel eyes and stepped up to follow her as she turned– wrapping her floral black scarf over her blood-red cardigan. Her auburn hair matching all the hues of fall called him even more.
Suddenly, she bent and picked up some autumn leaves. Before he could understand, she turned and flung the leaves towards him and as if the wind had been submissive, those crisp hues of autumn entered right into his eyes.

Next thing he knows he was standing in a creepingly comforting room.
Everything about this hall was nostalgic! The fireplace, that single-seater, the mantelpiece, the bloody wall, everything but the cauldron.
The girl reappeared only to make him jump in horror.

‘Don’t be scared. I can read all the questions in your eyes.
 Yes, this is the same ole lantern and yes the room is decored exactly like the hall from your childhood mansion.

By the way, I am Nehir, the girl who lived on the rooftop for weeks.
Our father,’ she paused to let it sink in.
‘ He never accepted me of course. Had it not been for your kind mother, I wouldn’t have had a shelter.
Soon after your father left, your mother–the angel she has helped me pack in the darkest hours of nights. She didn’t want any servant to know about me.
But she wanted you to know at the right time so I could have the due share in our dad’s inheritance. ‘

‘ What’s in the cauldron? ‘ was the only thing he could utter as if the entire FAQ list didn’t make its way to his pocket.

‘ Prove for all your doubts. And they’ll burn as soon as you see them for that’s how your mother wanted it to be.’

‘ Mother o mother, ‘he sighed.’ She wouldn’t defame him even after all that he did!’ a tear rolled down his cheek as he remembered her.

‘Don’t you worry crimson lady, I mean Nehir of course? I have been raised by a woman of high morals. I will respect your wish because my mother wanted to. My lawyer will get back to you soon.
Meanwhile, if you wish, we can have some coffee and apple pie back at the vacation house while sharing our childhood.’ he offered.
‘I’d like that.’ smiled the crimson lady and accompanied the gentleman merrily.

Author’s Profile

Asma Hamza is a woman of many talents. An accomplished ESL teacher, brilliant story-teller, aspiring wordsmith, and a charming puppeteer. As a mother of four, Asma is wholly dedicated to creating the finest and most inspiring forms of entertainment that are both lively and educational. Her association with different organizations such as Livedeen, Azaan, IRP, PEDA, Skill-ed and so on, has showcased her dedication and commitment to continue imparting knowledge and inspiration with her talents as an emcee, voice over artist, host, judge for various competitions, public motivational speaker, kids’ corner manager, and so much more.

15 Responses

  1. It’s an amazing piece of writing.. mysterious and very well penned..

  2. Your work always have suspense that urges readers to go through the whole write up
    From beginning to ending, I really loved the characters, way of description and of course story having nostalgic series.
    More power to you!

  3. MashaaAllah
    What a beautiful pay-off for all that hard work!
    Congratulations! …

  4. Nicely written well done beta that’s a big success. God bless you.

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