We collect donations of used clothes in the UK and distribute them among the neediest people in deserving communities in Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir.

Press For Peace Welfare Activities: UPDATE 19 June 2021 | By Zubair ud Din Arfi , Senior Field Co-ordinator

Press For Peace Welfare Activities

Activity update 1-3 February 2021 Duration: 3 Days | By Zubair ud Din Arfi , Senior Field Co-ordinator


Activity Date 1-3 February, 2021 Duration: 3 Days

 Theme: Facilitating the Vulnerable Communities of District Muzaffarbad Azad Jammu  and Kashmir through the Distribution of Winter Clothes

Background of the Activity

The Press for Peace (PFP) is committed to reach out the most vulnerable communities of AJK and regularly facilitate them with the provision of missing educational facilities, technical and vocational training , food items, winter kits, shelters and other missing facilities.
In this connection the activity of ‘Distribution of Winter Clothes’ is another milestone which has been achieved by Press for Peace in recent winter season.
In order to reach out the most vulnerable people of District Muzaffarabad Azad Jammu & Kashmir following implementation mechanism was adhered
Need Assessment
The Press for Peace Volunteers Team was deployed in the field to conduct the need assessment of vulnerable families. During the assessment following criteria of selection was undertaken
Women Headed Families

People Living with Disabilities
Record Keeping: For the purpose of record further correspondence the volunteers were provided Need Assessment Forms through which they recorded the extent of vulnerability of the people. The need assessment was carried out in UC Chattar Domail District Muzaffarabad AJK.


The selection of vulnerable families was done on the basis of Need Assessment Forms and consideration was given to orphans, widows, and people living with disabilities. On the basis need assessment 55 families were identified and selected for the provision of winter kits.

Distribution of Tokens

The selected families were issued Tokens for distribution of winter kits.


After the need assessment, selection of families and issuance of tokens the volunteers of Press for Peace selected the distribution point. The distribution point of the ceremony was organized at RaroAmbore Colony, UC ChattarDomail District Muzaffarabd.
The activity “Distribution of Winter Kits” was organized on 3rd of February, 2021 at RaroAmbore Colony, UC ChattarDomail, and District Muzaffarabad AJK. The distribution ceremony participated by the beneficiaries of the activity and volunteers of Press for Peace. Mr. Zubairud Din Arfi conducted the distribution ceremony and provided the kits to disable persons at their door steps as well.
All 55 selected families were provided the support on the same day. During the ceremony .
,Health, Safety and Protection of Vulnerable People
Zuabirud Din ensured the adherence of SOPs issued by the Government of AJK in relation to COVID-19.

The beneficiaries were provided the support with dignity and they prayed and gave their heartiest compliments to Press For Peace


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