Press for Peace Foundation (UK) is organizing a virtual seminar in the Urdu language on December 5, 2024, in observance of World Soil Day, on the topic “The Role of Regional Languages in Environmental Literature” in collaboration with universities from Pakistan and India. The selected and high-quality research papers presented in this seminar will be published in book form by Press for Peace Publications for free. The live coverage of this seminar will be available to Urdu viewers worldwide through social media platforms.

The management, coordination, and technical support for the seminar will be handled by the organizing team of Press for Peace. For quality research papers, we seek the collaboration of academic members, faculty members, researchers, authors, and university students.

Sample topics for writing papers are listed below, although papers can also be written on related topics in any literary genre. Presenters will be given 10 to 12 minutes to present their papers. Each paper should include at least ten credible references. Avoid long quotations and refrain from using complex technical terms. For the convenience of the Urdu audience, the meanings of non-Urdu words, phrases, and brief references used should be provided in Urdu.

Seminar Topics for individual papers:

Mazhar Iqbal Mazhar
Head of Environmental Department
Press for Peace Foundation

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