Poem ‘Word’- Nabeela Ahmed

– Nabeela Ahmed Word Don’t say anything else Let me spend the day with this word Let me gently drip it inside me Slowly so those wounds which are deep Can bear it Those parts inside me that have dried and cracked Don’t start sobbing Don’t start screaming with pain With restlessness and excitement They […]
Tale of a Tiny Girl / Nabeela Ahmed

Nabeela Ahmed Photo & Artwork Fozia AbbasHow many species do we share earth with? Humans, jinn and angels is what the Quran tells us. This tiny story is from my family and of sharing space with the jinn. Around fifty years ago, one Eid my aunty came over to stay with my grandparents as she […]
Search For Me in Streams / Nabeela Ahmed

Nabeela Ahmed When I’m goneSearch for me in streamsComing down hillsOver dark, mossy rocksThrough the flat clear puddlesWhere sand has gatheredUnder and over fallen treesAnd on shiny pebblesAnd slippery slabs I’ll be the splash doing the river danceTwirling in a ballroom of dervish circlesBefore doing the cha cha cha and merging into the next splosh of waterRising up again to […]
Nabeela Ahmed- Writer, Storyteller, Poetess, Artist, Mirpur/Bradford,

Nabeela Ahmed is a writer, storyteller, multilingual poet, and spoken word artist. She writes and shares her work in English, Urdu, and Pahari. Her poetry was the main feature of the Keighley Arts and Film Festival in 2020. She has had poems published in England, America, Pakistan, and India. She self-published her book, Despite our […]