Rising Tides, Sinking Hopes | By M.I. Mazhar

| For the residents of Gwadar, a small Pakistani coastal town, the tides had always been a steady rhythm, like those lapping at the shore. But lately, this rhythm had become erratic and menacing, the tides growing unpredictable. Gwadar is experiencing significant impacts due to climate change. The beach city is vulnerable to rising sea […]
World Mental Health Day | Kashaf Ul Eman

In the morning, the first rays of sunlight, Broken hearts healing, fears taking flight. As we open our eyes to a beautiful sight, Rested and refreshed, after sleeping all night. With excessive burdens weighing on your mind, You must self-care and still push forward in the grind. Mental health isn’t celebrated just for a day, […]
Social Media And Mental Health / By: Amnah Shaukat

By: Amnah ShaukatSocial media has become really important to the way that billions of people get information about the world and connect with each other. You can communicate well with the people and groups in a more convenient manner. Social media platforms provide various benefits but frequent use of it makes one feel increasingly unhappy […]