Peculiar irritating features of Pakistan Governance | Chaudhry Muhammad Latif

By Chaudhry Muhammad Latif A good governance of any country demands some objectives and will to serve the nation and not to govern only. Those who want to govern must know to listen. Over riding purposes of good governance are to ensure the security, stability, solidarity of the country and life and liberty of the […]
Urban flooding | Chaudhry Muhammad Latif
By Chaudhry Muhammad Latif Recent climate resultant flooding in Pakistan has given a wakeup call to harness natural blessing of rain water to tackle simultaneously probable drought in 2025 and urban flooding to avoid human catastrophe in the future. It has been felt advisable to adopt ground water recharge wells technology as a national policy […]
Saving every drop of rain water | select better option | By Chaudhry Muhammad Latif
Chaudhry Muhammad Latif TREE plantation is an annual ceremonial exercise launched by the forest department of the government. The cooperation in this respect is sought from the resourceful and disciplined institution of Army, NGOs, students and scouts. The present government went beyond and undertook tsunami of 10 billion trees.The fact remains that no tree can […]
The Concept of Protocol in Pakistan | Chaudhry Muhammad Latif

By Chaudhry Muhammad Latif The concept of protocol in Pakistan is a legacy of colonial British rule, who had devised a system of divide and rule for their colonies. They created tiers of jagirdar, zaildar, numberdar and chaukidar. In states there were Mahrajas, Ameers, Nawabs, Sardars, and Chiefs of tribes. Theoretically there were two systems […]