Memorable Moments with Creative Minds/ By Falak Naz Noor


Gathering with friends is like adding flavour to the soup of life. However, there’s something special when creative people come together. As the director of PFPP, I was truly honoured to meet numerous experienced and amateur writers. The New Year party, arranged by the renowned children’s books author, Ms. Tasneem Jafri, on behalf of Adeeb Nagar, […]


Starting my term from children’s: Do you know what type of people called as children? The one who is 0 to 18 years old. That’s the stage of  a person learn to learn, speak, stand walk and etc. Children are amazing little human Who are usually between the ages of 0 to 18. They are […]

Effects of Smog in Pakistan and its Prevention |By Tabinda Saleem

tabinda salim

Smog is a combination of two words smoke and fog. By the way, smog has existed in Pakistan for a long time. But nowadays it has taken a dangerous situation. Smog has become the biggest and grave problem of the present time. Some time, Earlier this problem was limited only to government institutions but now […]

*Hard work* *By* : *Urooba Zahid*

 *Reason* why did I choose this topic is because I want to inspire readers to work hard and preserve in achieving their dreams. ” *Hard work is a crucial key to success guiding us on the right path* .” This article will express the importance of hard work in our lives. Life demands hard work […]

*Digital Dilemma* / *By: Areefa Shehzad*

In today’s fast-paced world, everything revolves around the screens. From the moment we wake up to when we get to bed, social media and notifications fill our lives. While these tools help us stay in touch with friends, they also create pressure to show a perfect online life. Despite the reality that many of these […]

“Modesty”: My reflections / Written By Iman Amjad

Living as a citizen of Pakistan or as a person on this earth in the 22nd century where everything has ultra-modernised from growing crops to educational resources and even with advancements in digital marketing. It is such a pity to say that our knowledge of our background, of our origin as Muslims is as of […]

Tips to Put off the Procrastination / By Muniba Usman

By Muniba Usman Ever since we have got indulged in too much of a burdensome routine, our life has become more vulnerable to miss the valuable opportunities. Procrastination is delaying or putting off the things, duties and tasks to be done indefinitely in future. Procrastination is an attitude that gradually becomes a habit and then […]

حرام کی نحوست /سدرہ افضل۔ دیپالپور

سدرہ افضل۔ دیپالپور ابی جان کے پاس میرا اکثر آنا جانا لگا رہتا تھا۔ جب بھی ملاقات ہوتی، موضوع سخن اچھی اچھی باتیں ہوتیں ۔۔ بات بات پر قرآن مجید کی آیات پڑھ دیناابی جان کی خصوصیت تھی۔ آپ کو دینی علوم پر مکمل عبور حاصل تھا۔ اکثر آنے جانے والے آپ. سےبچوں کی تربیت […]

میرپور میں پیداواری تعلقات اور معاشرتی ڈھانچہ ۔۔۔۔۔ قسط 8۔۔۔۔۔ تحریر شمس رحمان

معاشرہ اور معاشرتی تبدیلی  ۔۔ سلسلہ وار کالم   تحریر  شمس رحمان   سنتالیس سے پہلے کا جو علم سنتالیس کے بعد موجود پیداواری  اور معاشرتی ڈھانچے سے حاصل کیا اور تاریخی مادیت کے علم کے ذریعے سمجھا اس کا  خلاصہ یہاں بیان کر رہا ہوں تاکہ ہم سمجھ  سکیں کے    یہاں کا پیداواری اور […]

کیپیسٹی پیمنٹس کیا ہیں؟ ڈاکٹر عتیق الرحمن

ڈاکٹر عتیق الرحمن راولپنڈی سے مظفرآباد مسافروں کو لیکر جانے والی گاڑیاں ایک مسافر سے 700 روپے کرایہ وصول کرتی ہیں اور یک طرفہ سفر میں تقریبا 14 مسافروں کو لیکر سفر کرتی ہیں۔ فرض کریں کہ راولپنڈی سے مظفرآباد سفر کیلئے آپ وین کی بکنگ کروا لیتے ہیں ، آپ کو وین کے 14 […]


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